BlueCielo Meridian Global Collaboration Framework 2012 SP1 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

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GCF Shares table

This table holds the information needed to connect to each of the collaborating vaults.

The GCF Shares table contains the columns described in the following table.

GCF Shares table columns
Column Description


The URL used to start a Web Access session with the vault, without the /Start parameter at the end. By default, this is http://<ServerName>/Meridian.


The name of the vault as it appears to GCF users.


A value used by the component specified for TransferComponent to determine the location where briefcases should be sent. For Transfer.HTTP, this is a section name in the Transfer.ini file. For Transfer.FileCopy, this is the destination folder path.


The class name (ProgID) of the component that will handle the transfer of GCF briefcases. The GCF provides two classes, Transfer.HTTP and Transfer.FileCopy.


The user name under which access can be gained to Meridian Enterprise Web Access on the remote server.


The password of the account specified by UserName.


The display name of the remote vault.

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GCF tables

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This Vault Share Name table

Transfers table

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